Monday 4 October 2010

Analysing a scene from Cloverfield

Today I analysed a scene from Cloverfield and discussed the elements in that scene which would place it under the genre of a thriller/horror. However, I think that Cloverfield comes more under the genre of a science fiction thriller due to the fact that there is evidence of an alien species throughout the film.


Here is the scene which I analysed

Please refer to the video clip before reading the information below.

How do we know the film is set to modern day?

  • The costumes are contemporary and special effects are used to create the image of an alien species. The scene is also set in an underground tube station - another hint into present day. Also we notice the fact that the shot is being filmed by a camcorder in the first place which is new, modern technology.
How is the scene made to look realistic and believable?

  • A cameracorder is used which helps to encourage the audience to believe that the scene is real.
  • The cameracorder sways and shakes as though an actual person is filming it which makes it realistic.
  • The cameracorder has been given certain 'functions' on it such as 'night vision' etc.
What techniques are used to create a thrilling atmosphere?

  • Majority of the clip is filmed in dark surroundings.
  • The camera sways and shakes - creates a realistic vision and helps enhance the panic when the characters run from the alien species.
  • Lots of shadow is used.
  • Camera breaks the 180 degree rule so that we feel un-easy and un-settled. 
  • Camera goes in and out of focus at points so that we can't see much.
  • We view some of the action from the ground upwards to enhance the fact that the humans here have very little power. It also makes the audience feel as though they are in the same position.
  • The scene is filmed in one long shot. There are no breaks to cut the tension.

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